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The first half of the 'Ellie The Artist' saga, in one ZIP folder! Download to your computer, laptop or tablet to access!

“Hi, I’m Ellie. Ellie Dawkins. And this is my first time setting foot in London... Probably should have gotten a little more used to it beforehand, as I’m here to build up my career. It’s scary stuff, being here on my own, trying to get a my dream job. What’s my dream? I wanna be a creative artist for a studio. I wanna design stuff and draw for video games, cartoons, apps, or literally anything. Freelancing is fine, but it’s a lucky dip. No. I want a permanent job in a studio. I came here from up north, and I knew I wouldn’t make it there. I’ve had to pack my bags and say bye to my friends and family to follow my dream. So here I am! Luckily, I shouldn’t be alone in London. Thankfully, I have a lovely - slightly weird - online friend who’s allowed me to move in with her. Oh, then there’s him (Unnat), and her (Lauren), and this guy (Vojtech), and certainly him (Harry). And I’ve now got a terrible day job to pay for living. But I’m sure I’ll meet some interesting people in the industry! This is my story, and this is me: Ellie Dawkins, 23, and looking to find my way!”


Also includes 'Behind The Panels' Document!


Disclaimer from Joey

I have researched the best ways to cater to dyslexic readers, and found that there is no singular way to make a version accessible for all types of dyslexia. I have done personal focus groups, and found that most people with dyslexia are able to read this particular format, but not all. I believe in accessibility and making appropriate adjustments, and want Orbus comics to be read by as many people as possible. While I was not able to cater to all types of dyslexia at this time, I hope this at least starts something new.

ZIP Folder: (Dyselxia) Ellie The Artist (First 5 Episodes) [digital]

  • Info

    File Type: ZIP

    File Size: 217MB

    Contains: 6 PDFs, 'Ellie The Artist' Episodes 1 to 5, Plus 'Behind The Panels' Document!

  • Physical Copy:

    Not Yet Available

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